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Reading Encouragement  Through the Social Commitment Program at School


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Many homebound elders or those living in nursing homes who have lost their partners and friends over the years, their children have grown up and often live far away from them. As a result, some of them experience deep feelings of loneliness. Many of them can no longer read books.Adolescents usually encounter books at school, in a curriculum which they don’t perceive as relevant to their daily lives. The reading approach at school is done by presenting a theoretical complexity, at the heart of which is the "text"


Studies prove that many capabilities generally required to read and understand a text, are not acquired specifically in the instructional setting, but rather incidentally acquired by reading extensive literature, mainly in late childhood (Reserbrock). As for the other end of the target audience, having a book read to them is an important tool to dispel physical and mental loneliness, to stimulate imagination, to remind them of the past which helps to maintain cognitive activity.
The goal of the project is to create a win-win situation of strengthening human and social bonds, as well as dispelling loneliness by having adolescents read books to people outside their school (in nursing homes, assisted living, day centers, etc) in the framework of the social involvement program.

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